Participation in the PIA – HÜPPE got off to a flying start with JET

The trainees at HÜPPE GmbH are entering the race for the Prize for Innovative Training (PIA) with their “JET.Stream” project.
The trainees at HÜPPE regularly work independently on smaller projects.

The HÜPPE Group, leading manufacturer of shower enclosures and shower trays, shows good ideas for training. JET stands for Junior Executive Teams. The trainees mirror the roles of the HÜPPE executive team in the “” – similar to a shadow cabinet. The aim is to gain a deeper insight into the management tasks and to actively support them with their own ideas and suggestions.

The joint “JET.Chats” meetings are planned in a self-designed creative room or area called the “JET.Room”. In the course of designing their own meeting room, the trainees are to be integrated into the “WORK AND CONNECT – Time for new perspectives” project, which is already running in parallel. As part of organisational design and development, this also involves gaining insights into management activities and project work.

The WORK AND CONNECT project enables employees to change the premises and corporate culture and thus strengthen cohesion. Employees can create the working atmosphere they want for modern, efficient work, whether through optimised workstations or by bringing different functions together. The latest working techniques also help to open up new perspectives and increase efficiency.

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